A.3.áWindows folders

Here you will find some details about the folders used in Wireshark on different Windows versions.

As already mentioned, you can find the currently used folders in the About Wireshark dialog.

A.3.1.áWindows profiles

Windows uses some special directories to store user configuration files in, named the user profile. This can be confusing, as the default directory location changed from version to version and might also be different for English and internationalized versions of windows.


If you upgraded to a new windows version, your profile might be kept in the former location, so the defaults mentioned here might not apply.

The following guides you to the right place where to look for Wireshark's profile data.




C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data, "Documents and Settings" and "Application Data" might be internationalized.

NT 4 (no longer supported by Wireshark)

C:\WINNT\Profiles\<username>\Application Data\Wireshark

ME/98 - with enabled user profiles (no longer supported by Wireshark)

In Windows ME and 98 you can enable separate user profiles. In that case, something like: C:\windows\Profiles\<username>\Application Data\Wireshark is used.

ME/98/95 (no longer supported by Wireshark)

The default in Windows ME/98/95 is: all users work with the same profile, which is located at: C:\windows\Application Data\Wireshark

A.3.2.áWindows Vista/XP/2000/NT roaming profiles

The following will only be applicable if you are using roaming profiles. This might be the case, if you work in a Windows domain environment (used in company networks). The configurations of all programs you use won't be saved on the local hard drive of the computer you are currently working on, but on the domain server.

As Wireshark is using the correct places to store it's profile data, your settings will travel with you, if you logon to a different computer the next time.

There is an exception to this: The "Local Settings" folder in your profile data (typically something like: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings) will not be transferred to the domain server. This is the default for temporary capture files.

A.3.3.áWindows temporary folder

Wireshark uses the folder which is set by the TMPDIR or TEMP environment variable. This variable will be set by the windows installer.


XXX - could someone give information about this?


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp

NT 4